Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Harris Shutter Effect Digital Style in Ten Easy Steps
Back in the film days, a guy named Bob Harris from Kodak created this contraption called the Harris Shutter. It was a device with three separate color filters that was used with a multiple exposure on a single frame (3 exposures total) that would reveal unusual color effects at any point where movement was present. This was a rather cool effect on moving water like waterfalls, clouds and trees on windy days to mention just a few. Check out: .
The problem with this technique was it was difficult and time consuming. You had to have a very good tripod and a steady hand. If not, the whole shot would become a mess. In digital, however, all of this changes.
Here is an example:
In the digital process, all you need are three identical shots from the exact same vantage point. Here is a step by step set of instructions from shooting to final product. Please note I am coming from a PhotoShop paradigm, but it is a simple process that can be adapted to other programs.
1. Find a moving subject like the waterfall above. Set your tripod and use a remote to trigger it. DO NOT touch the tripod and shoot three (or more) exposures. Make sure that you are shooting at the same aperture and speed. I like to shoot 6- 9 so that I can choose those three that seem to give me the best color possibilities. I will often shoot these about 1/3 stop overexposed. Keeping them a tad light helps later on.
2. After uploading the picture files, I create a folder for the Harris composite. I then will copy my three selections into this folder and rename them to:, and (xxx being the extension of the file. In my case it is NEF for the Nikon Raw Format). You can name any of the three colors as the master, but for purposes of these instructions, I have chosen blue.
3. I do step 2 in Adobe Bridge, so it is still open at this time. I will then open these renamed files in Adobe Camera Raw(ACR). You can also open .jpg, TIFF and PSD files in ACR. In ACR, I will select all three shots so that the processing I do here happens simultaneously on all three shots. I will tweak exposure if needed and make any color adjustments here. ACR is an easier place to do this and it is non-destructive to boot. Regardless of what program you use, you really need to process these files minimally and identically.
4. After I am finished with the ACR, I will open them directly from ACR into PhotoShop. At this point I will save all three as .PSD files. Now the fun begins!
5. Chose the red.psd and open the Channel Mixer. Click on the red channel. This should give you a black and white image that represents the red channel. From the Select Menu, choose ALL (Ctl-A on PC or Cmd-A on Mac) and then Edit menu and Copy (Ctl-C on PC or Cmd-C for Mac).
6. Now go to the BlueMaster.psd file and select the red channel. Choose the Edit menu and select Paste(Ctl-V on PC and Cmd-V on Mac). You will notice that the B&W image will change slightly.
7. Now, chose the green.psd and open the Channel Mixer. Click on the green channel. From the Select Menu, choose ALL (Ctl-A on PC or Cmd-A on Mac) and then Edit menu and Copy (Ctl-C on PC or Cmd-C for Mac).
8. Now go to the BlueMaster.psd file and select the green channel. Choose the Edit menu and select Paste(Ctl-V on PC and Cmd-V on Mac). You will notice that the B&W image will change slightly.
9. At this point simply click on the RGB box in the Channel mixer in the BlueMaster.psd file and you now have a Harris Shutter Effect image. BTW, be sure to close the red and green files.
10. Save As the BlueMaster.psd under a different file name. Now you are ready to rock 'n roll with the image you have created.
Since you have not overwritten anything, you can try rotating through the three images at the various colors.
From here on in, once I have an image I am happy with, I will process the photo with my standard work-flow. With a bit of experimentation, you can get some really interesting images.
My thanks to my friend Roy Harper for showing me how to do this.
Best to all always,
Friday, October 30, 2009
About Processing Your Pictures
The following are things I use regularly, but in a pinch, I can do without.
Check out these three:
Friday, October 16, 2009
A Special Appeal
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
And Then There is The Print!
Post Proc Tip#1:Go w/ your gut. Start w/ a basic workflow, but ultimately, what makes a good shot great is how you finish it.
Post Proc Tip#2: Learn how to use curves. I start with a classic S-curve and then work on fine tuning it with the rest of what I am doing.
Post Proc Tip#3: Sharpening should be the last step before printing. It should be adjusted for any size changes, and last but not least don't over-sharpen!
Post Proc Tip#4: All digital photos need sharpening. for global sharpening, High pass filter works well. See Scott Kelby 's Photoshop books for Digital Photography
Post Proc Tip#5: Subscribe to JP Caponigro's site at . Lots of great Post Processing content
Post Proc Tip#6: Use lens correction from your post processing software on WA shots and panoramas if it looks fisheye & you don't want it.
Post Proc Tip#7: When doing B&W from digital, always shoot in color. Post-processing programs create better B&W images from color masters.
Post Proc Tip#8: Always work on a copy! Protect the original file! As your skills improve, you may want to render a different version.
Post Proc Tip#9: Always use RAW if your camera has it - I adjust the White balance first. Whites and Blacks should be clear, then mid tones. OK, last tip was not clear. I adjust the White Balance first and then the White and Black points. I usually don't have to set the mid tones.
Post Process Tip#10:Backup your photos. I make 3 copies of everything. 1-Working drive 2-Duplicate Drive&3-Off-site Duplicate once monthly.
Bonus Tip: When I seek Post Processing info, I am reading Scott Kelby or JP Caponigro . Both are exceptional in their advice & both are on Twitter.
Best to all,
Friday, October 2, 2009
Are other Lens Companies able to build a great lens?
Here is what confuses me, a number of people think that, in the DSLR world, only Nikon and Canon can make superb lenses? If that were true, what can be said about Pentax, Olympus and others? One might think that they are simply unable to create lenses that perform at the same high standard as the "Big Two". Sigma, Tamron and Tokina must be clueless as well.
I know there will be people who will site tests that they claim proves one lens is better than the other. For me however, the proof is what the lens does for a photographer taking photographs in the real world. There are specific qualities that show the folly of the Nikon/Canon think out there. Here are three lenses from the aftermarket companies that lay to rest this issue.
Sharpness/Picture Quality:
There are other lenses that these manufacturers have that I could use. Tamron's 180mm macro; Sigma's 8mm-16mm and Tokina's 16.5mm-135mm lens all interest me. The point is, that For some lenses, you can get a bigger bang for the buck without a drop in image quality.
Best to you all!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
My Review of Tokina 12mm - 24mm f/4.0 PRO DX Autofocus Zoom Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras
Originally submitted at Adorama
Tokina 12mm - 24mm f/4.0 PRO DX Autofocus Zoom Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras
Good, Sharp and worth evey penny...
Pros: Consistent Output, Durable, Sharp Focus, Strong Construction
Cons: Average Focus, Heavy
Best Uses: General Use, Night Photography, Landscape Photography, Special Effects, Macro
Describe Yourself: Semi-Professional
This is a good hearty lens that is as good or better as any DX WA lens out there. The only WA lens I have seen that beats it is the Nikon 14-24... of course that lens is the best available these days. The Nikon 12-24 is a fine lens, and some consider it better than the Tokina, but I honestly can't tell the difference.
Further, focus is not a real issue on WA lenses, this is not AF-S or its equivalent; but I can tell you I have never missed a shot because of the AF. The lens just doesn't have to travel far to focus... the nature of Wide Angle lenses.
It is sharp from corner to corner from f/5.6 on and there is only minor corner focus issues wide open. Very very sharp!
It can take filters very well, but don't expect it to take standard height filters if you want to go to the wide end. I have a thin line B+W CPL that I use with it that seems to do a great job.
There is a slight distortion at 12mm, but it is very minor and easily straightened in post processing.
It is really a fun lens with Macro tubes. Mostly at 18-24mm, this is a great and fun lens.
If you have the lower end cameras such as the D40, 60, 3000 and 5000, you will need to get the newer version with an internal motor.
Friday, September 25, 2009
My Review of Tamron SP 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di LD-IF Autofocus Zoom Lens for Nikon AF - U.S.A. Warranty
Originally submitted at Adorama
Tamron SP 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di LD-IF Autofocus Zoom Lens for Nikon AF - U.S.A. Warranty
Simply a Great Lens at a Great Price
Pros: Has Aperture Ring, Sharp Focus, Well designed, Lightweight
Cons: Not as Wide as Others
Best Uses: Night Photography, Landscape Photography, General Use
Describe Yourself: Semi-Professional
This is a great lens for anyone who wants to have an f/2.8 zoom that is very sharp and has good color and Contrast. Images are very good and they do pop! CA is well controlled and it is at its best from F/4 on; though f/2.8 is quite nice.
Is it as good as the Nikon, not quite; however, is the Nikon $1000+ better? Not in my estimation. Its focus is not as slow as many complain. Why Tamron has not adopted the newer motor tech, I can't understand.
To its credit, this lens is significantly lighter than the Nikon lens and will be a real asset to people who do alot of walking with their camera.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Update on Saturday Morning.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Come Join me on Saturday Morning!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Using Filters to Protect Your Lens?
For a person who is buying their first DSLR, a protective filter is probably a good idea. Especially of Children's fingerprints are an issue! :-) But, it should not be a UV filter. The digital sensors on your camera are already protected with a UV blocking filter! If you feel that a protective filter is needed get one of the clear filters that is designed for digital cameras. They are specially coated and are designed to minimize flair and ghosting. And don't get the cheapest. I use B+W filters when I do need one. They are not cheap, but they are not going to affect my pictures as much as that $20 un-coated filter from some no name company.
On the other hand, even a great filter has the potential of affecting the image. After all, it is an additional piece of glass added to a lens that was not originally designed for it. Thus many of the pickier Pros don't even use them. As protection to dropping, a good rigid lens hood will do as good a job - if not better - as a protective filter. However, many of these same pros use Circular Polarizer(CPL) filters a lot and they can doubles as additional protection anyway. So, barring your lens getting licked by your 5 year old, you lens is probably protected just fine by your rigid lens hood.
In the middle of this is the reality that in extreme situations (think a wind storm in a desert), many pros will use a filter. It just makes sense to protect your gear in extreme situations!
So the answer is clear as mud, right? Don't sweat it. When you buy that first camera, get the filter, but make the sales person really happy with you and tell them you want a good clear multi-coated filter designed for DSLRs. Yes it will cost more, but it will be the right piece of equipment! At the same time, get a CPL and you will be thanking me later when the water looks real and hte glare is all but gone... (more on this in another article). And yes, as time goes along, the Protective filter will be used less and less as you learn to care for your equipment properly. So, don't sweat it and let the "experts" argue the nuances of the issue. Do what is necessary for you to enjoy your photography!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Why I follow Photo Tech
Boy was I surprised by the responses I got from folks on forums where I thought I could ask questions. Here is what I would read at just about any question asked, "Man you are wasting time asking questions like that... go take pictures and stop wasting time here." So, this article is my reply to him from me and on behalf of the newby who is reading this and getting the same response.
"Dude, go take pictures yourself and take your sanctimonious attitude with you!" People visit online to get information to learn how to use there equipment from experienced people! For Pete's sake folks, help those asking questions and stop being elitist jerks.
Now to those who do answer questions, thanks for sharing. I am a better photographer for it. You have inspired me to get better.
Ahhhhhhh, now that that is off my mind, here is why I follow the tech. We can do a lot more with photography today than we could in the pre scanner film days. Heck, if you can afford it, you can get medium format digital quality on a DSLR that was unthinkable a few years ago. Heck, the 14-25MP arena used to be unthinkable as recently as 6 or 7 years ago. So, I want to use every tool available to me to follow my main mantra:
"I want to share in a photograph what I see, not just what is there" Photography is every bit an art form as is painting or sculpting. So, I want to be as much about creating a piece of art as I want to take a picture. To do this, I take a lot of pictures AND I am always learning more about the tools available to me. It is that simple. So, you elitist, purist louts out there that poo poo my using live view, dis in-camera HDR and insist that Image Stabilization is just a cover up for bad technique, I quote Bill the Cat, "Ack, ack, ack".
(The New Tech I have learned from folks on the forusms)
My Review of Pro-Optic Multi-Coated 2x Tele-Converter for Nikon Autofocus SLR Cameras. (As Reviewed in Shutterbug Magazine - January 2008 - Page 26)
Originally submitted at Adorama
Pro-Optic Multi-Coated 2x Tele-Converter for Nikon Autofocus SLR Cameras. (As Reviewed in Shutterbug Magazine - January 2008 - Page 26)
Very good performance, awesome price!
Pros: Very Bright for a 2x, Lightweight, Easy To Use
Cons: Less Sharp
Best Uses: Landscape Photography, Traveling, Everyday use, Wildlife
Describe Yourself: Semi-Professional
This is as good as any 2x aftermarket TC. I have used it on a Nikon 300 f/4 taking pictures of Eagles and it still handled AF at a wide open aperture. It is less sharp and the contrast and saturation is reduced, though acceptable. The only TC that I have used that is sharper is the Nikon, but it is dimmer. I wouldn't use it for Macro photography as the contrast would be a bit weak. Otherwise it is a great bargain!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The First 10(Really 11) Part 3
The First 10(Really 11) Part 2
Tip 7: Use the net to learn. Joe McNalley is on Youtube for Nikon nuts for example. A great way to learn your gear. There are all kinds of resources. Both Nikon and Canon have video instruction and there are hundreds of sites such as this one where people are very happy to help. Why not use it... its free!
Tip 6: Put the camera away every once in awhile. It is a good thing to not use your camera from time to time. I once met a bird watcher who gave up his camera because he said he was only seeing the world through a viewfinder. His point is well taken. Photography is about seeing a subject and showing it in such a way that it says what you want it to say! Some times you just need to put down the camera and see what is right in front of you.
Tip 5: Find your favorite focal length with you favorite zoom. Then get a good fast Prime lens at that focal length.... One should attribute ideas to their source. Tip 5 is adapted from a recent issue of Shutterbug Magazine. Shooting with a Prime lens is still the pinnacle of quality. Find out what you love to photograph and figure out what focal length you use most and get the one or two primes that support your shooting. This of course is for DSLR users mostly. Its true of film as well. Even with compacts, if your interest is to upgrade in the future, then keep in mind what your favorite focal length is!
Next, the final Four
The First 10(Really 11) Part 1
Tip 9(a): I wanted to add this to tip 9, but it became to lengthy for Twitter. Micro-fiber cloths are reusable. Wash them. Rinse them in hot water after the wash to remove all the leftover soap. This is really important, the soap you wash them in can smear your lens. In fact, I don't even wash mine in soap any mere. I rinse them in the hottest water I can, then soak them in boiling water for about ten minutes. After that I rinse them out again and let them air dry.
These may seem insignificant, but believe me, you can improve your photography by just keeping your lens clean and knowing how to use your camera.
Next: Tips 8-5
Welcome to my little Blog!
10. Photography is fun and I don't want people to lose out!
9. Photography is easier than one thinks. Sure there are hard things for those who want to do them, but a lot of photography is quite easy.
8. I try to keep it short. I have seen a lot of books and blogs on photography that could have been contained in a few paragraphs. I will try not to pad things.
7. It is very apparent that people new to photography - let alone the not so new - would benefit from brief and to the point help given here,
6. I like to write and this is a chance to keep those skills alive while sharing worthwhile things
5. I like to share my knowledge
4. I like to Learn, so I hope you will share with me your hints, tips and all things photo-wise
3. I try to limit platitudes and things that are commonly known.
2. Everything here has been tested by me or someone that I know and trust!
1. I want to encourage photographers to constantly grow in knowledge as a way or enhancing their talent!
Folks, this is all about taking pictures, it is not about being gear-heads, nor is it about becoming headcases... it is about getting you out where your creativity can take over; where equipment and knowledge are assets and not hindrances to your picture taking! Taking pictures is what it it all about!